The tale of Rockman’s long lost older bro who left home mysteriously never to return
…and I don’t mean Blues.
Rock Brother
2011/03/16 Wednesday | Author: #20
So help me, I'm blogging again… | Sunday, 16 March 2025 - 3:46 |
The tale of Rockman’s long lost older bro who left home mysteriously never to return
…and I don’t mean Blues.
The “Spring forward” of daylight savings left me a bit jet-lagged yesterday. Our annual one-hour leap into the future inspired me to take a look at another time-displaced character. You know him, you’re confused by him (and he’s just as confused himself): It’s Quint!
HP 500
81. The Rockman of the future, remodeled by Dr. Wily!!
That’s right, today is all about that evil brainwashed Rockman of the future, and how he came to be.
Just off the coast of Honshu today, Japan experienced its largest earthquake ever, and one of the largest in recorded history. After several days of smaller quakes, what is currently being called the 2011 Sendai earthquake and tsunami is believed to be an 8.9 in magnitude. Aftershocks and tsunamis are expected to rock regions of the pacific rim for days, including tsunami warnings in California. You can read more here and here and here and all over the internet.
A few hundred miles away from the epicenter, Tokyo still received some damage and casualties. Some report that the shocks could be felt as far away as Beijing. The full scale of the damages, which will surely be ongoing, have yet to be assessed. Japan is one of the most prepared countries in the world when it comes to earthquakes.
Capcom has branches in Osaka and Tokyo, both of which are on southern Honshu. If and how this will affect Rockman in general is unknown. For all of us Japanophiles, I’m sure our hearts and thoughts go out to the people of Japan (even more than normally).
Earlier we heard Dr. Right explaining the origins of Capcom’s arcade mini-mascot, and just this week we saw Mobi-chan hanging out in the Capcom Secret Laboratory report on Rockman 2: The Power Fighters (which incidentally, Mobi-chan appears in as bonus item). Now check out Mobi-chan as you’ve never seen before: unmasked to reveal a cute girl inside!
From Capcom Illustrations page 125:
Art by Bengus, who knows you can never get enough of girls in mobile combat suits.
Please continue to support Capcom games (or she’ll have to hurt you)!
I’m still kind of riding high on the Marvel vs Capcom 3 experience. Not near as much as I was into Tatsunoko vs Capcom last year, but that’s probably a good thing considering how debilitating that game became for me.
Anyway, this will probably seem elementary to some of you, but perhaps there’s a few out there like me who are wondering about this still. It’s about Zero and Captain America.
Rockman 2 The Power Fighters always felt like it had a lot going on. Building up to Rockman’s 10th Anniversary, it was in many ways a marked improvement from the first Rockman arcade title, incorporating separate but intertwined stories and objectives, new challenge mode rankings like time attack, the return of the animal helpers, new upgrades and moves, even a brand new mysterious playable character. With ten different endings in all, it has the most endings of any Rockman game to date, and included some of the most talked about endings in all of classic Rockman.
It’s no wonder then that Rockman 2 received a lot of hyping by Capcom, like Rockman’s very first Secret File and this article from CFC Style Fan Book Vol. 1.
Hey, February is National Bird-Feeding Month! I’m taking advantage by spotlighting Rockman’s winged sidekick.
Get ready for a Beat-down! (And probably more than a few puns like that one.)
Your free pic this week is an original piece from the Capcom design team done for their first Rockman arcade title, Rockman The Power Battle.
This was the largest version of the image I could find. It appeared in CAP! Vol 12. The red rectangle on the left is from overlaid text. Not sure about the artist.
An obscure but fun one!
Saw this on the art blog scene, thought it was pretty amazing.
Pop culture work prints based on Día de los Muertos calaveras. Though not technically supposed to be a servbot, it can’t get much closer. You can catch some of the others here. Artistic sweetness.
Fresh Graffiti