Category Archives: rockman
More Monday Blues
Following his starring role in Rockman 3, Blues played a smaller but important part in Rockman 4, saving Kalinka Cossack from Dr. Wily’s clutches and allowing for Dr. Cossack to clear his name. But this good deed would not go unpunished, as Blues himself would now be brought to the forefront of Dr. Wily’s ire […]
Break Man Begins
Just as Blues himself is always one step ahead, Blues week is getting an early start.
Strawberry Field-type Robots Forever
Man, it’s been a busy week for Mega Man news. Universe shows off its style and customization, R. Online reveals more setting art, Marvel vs Capcom 3 says “Yes!!” to Tron Bonne. Whew, what a ride! Next week is Blues week at the Lav. Enjoy your weekend!
Revenge of the Press Release
Time for another Retromags adventure! This episode? Mega Man in Dr. Wily’s Revenge! The first game boy Mega Man title, suffered surprisingly little control and graphical disfigurement on the handheld. Anticipation for the title was high, and game publications were making various promises about the upcoming game. But how much of it held up?
Bedtime for Duo Week
I’m putting Duo week to bed with one last image from the Grand Rockman Exposition ’96 Secret File.
Big Duo, it is now SHOWTIME!
As Duo week (belatedly) winds down, we’ll take a look at the Rockman 2: The Power Fighters prologue that appeared in the official game soundtrack booklet ~ a version of the story that didn’t appear anywhere else. Action!
Not your average Joes
There’s been a lot of questioning over the years about Sniper Joes, who designed them, and their relation to Blues. Part of that I’m sure is my fault, because I remember goofing it a few times a while back (I’m talking years and years ago, back when I thought a year or two of Japanese […]
The Birth of Duo
Duo made his first appearance in 1996 with the arcade title Rockman 2: The Power Fighters, in which he acted as a sort of promotional teaser for Rockman 8‘s release later that year. He was touted as a mysterious new character who was stylistically quite unlike most of the other characters in the Rockman universe, […]
Mega Man Anime Again
Somehow I totally overlooked this before. I’d be remiss not to mention it, so let us now correct this injustice!
Intergalactic Officer of the Law
You probably wouldn’t know it just from playing the games, but Duo is a space cop on a mission of interplanetary justice. Or so Keiji Inafune and passages like this one have suggested.
Fresh Graffiti