Rockman battles his future self on card 48 of Carddas’ classic Rockman series.
Rockman vs Quint
48. Rockman narrowly evades the attack of the mysterious robot Quint!!
So help me, I'm blogging again… | Monday, 17 March 2025 - 10:51 |
Rockman battles his future self on card 48 of Carddas’ classic Rockman series.
Rockman vs Quint
48. Rockman narrowly evades the attack of the mysterious robot Quint!!
The Tatsunoko vs Capcom Cross Generation of Heroes Official Character Guidebook included some storyboards for the opening movie that differed quite a bit from the final version. Wanna see?
Dr. Right’s final question & answer column appeared in the last issue of Club Capcom magazine in Spring of 1994. The magazine didn’t give much indication it was ending, so there was no tearful signing-off-for-the-last-time moment. It’s too bad that the column ended the way it did. It was just starting to get interesting!
For your free pic friday pleasure! A holocard scan from Carddas’ classic Rockman card series featuring the star of the week, Blues! Joining forces with his little brother, these two are unstoppable!
Rockman & Blues
HP 2200
43. The Creation of the Strongest Combination!? Double Buster Fire!!
Kinda gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling, doesn’t it?
And always let you conscience circuit be your guide.
Rockman 7 saw Forte snatch away the main “Rockman’s rival” slot, but Blues still came out looking cooler than ever.
Today we’re looking at two more Rockman books, this time from 1994, unraveling the hidden history of the ‘bot in shades.
Following his starring role in Rockman 3, Blues played a smaller but important part in Rockman 4, saving Kalinka Cossack from Dr. Wily’s clutches and allowing for Dr. Cossack to clear his name. But this good deed would not go unpunished, as Blues himself would now be brought to the forefront of Dr. Wily’s ire in Rockman 5.
Just as Blues himself is always one step ahead, Blues week is getting an early start.
The Big O. In the giant mecha genre, it’s something of an acquired taste. But it’s been very inspirational. Rockman MegaMix author Hitoshi Ariga penned the manga adaptation, and Big O’s unique Megadeus style was the inspiration for “Big G” Illumina from Infinity Mijinion’s stage in Rockman X6. So if you’re interested in Big O too, maybe you’ll like what’s waiting below.
Fresh Graffiti