I couldn’t stop smiling.

One of my favorite costumes I saw at Otakon. I was only there for 20 minutes though, so undoubtedly I sampled only a very small selection of what took place there. It looked like hell to walk around in that getup, especially after the fire alarm went off.

Hats off to you, whoever you are.

There were really tons of people in impressive costumes. It looked like a lot of fun. I wish I could have spent more time there.

Dynamic Duo

Hey guys. No, I didn’t forget about blogging for two weeks in a row. Not me! I actually had something I started on last week, but I didn’t finish it in time. Instead, enjoy this picture of Rock and Duo by Ryuji Higurashi. I do believe this was from before he started working for Capcom, and thus was only fan art at the time. It looks pretty sweet though. No wonder they hired him!