Revenge of the Press Release

Time for another Retromags adventure! This episode? Mega Man in Dr. Wily’s Revenge! The first game boy Mega Man title, suffered surprisingly little control and graphical disfigurement on the handheld. Anticipation for the title was high, and game publications were making various promises about the upcoming game. But how much of it held up?

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First Post on!

Welcome to the new home of the Reploid Research Lavatory!

I’m still working out a few kinks to the new format, so drop me a line in the comments below if anything isn’t working properly, or if you have any suggestions to improve the layout!


Not your average Joes

There’s been a lot of questioning over the years about Sniper Joes, who designed them, and their relation to Blues. Part of that I’m sure is my fault, because I remember goofing it a few times a while back (I’m talking years and years ago, back when I thought a year or two of Japanese study qualified me to be a translator) with some of my much earlier and sloppier translations I did for Mega Man Network and Mega Man PC in their early days. As long as I’m playing catch-up this week, I thought I’d throw in a fix for some decade-old hubris of mine as well. Dig in!

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The Birth of Duo

Duo made his first appearance in 1996 with the arcade title Rockman 2: The Power Fighters, in which he acted as a sort of promotional teaser for Rockman 8‘s release later that year. He was touted as a mysterious new character who was stylistically quite unlike most of the other characters in the Rockman universe, and yet was somehow connected to Rockman and his friends in the past. The Capcom Secret File “Grand Rockman Exposition ’96” was one of the first to explain how Duo came to be–not the character’s back story, but the ideas and influences that went into shaping the character itself.

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