In which Tron has successfully followed MegaMan and the others back to their camp.
Free DASH Pic Weekend part 1
Every day this weekend I’ll be putting up one of four pieces by Kodansha artist Beruno Ohtsuki that were used as chapter breaks in the Rockman DASH Kanzen Kouryaku Guide (or Complete Capture Guide). Each picture serves as a comic panel that tells a progressive story. The final one will be up on Monday. All right, here we go!
Baby Big Brother
Newest Legends Character: Lilly?
A lot of exciting news today surrounding the Mega Man Legends 3 Project. Their first fan-interaction poll is up, where fans can vote on which design will be utilized for their new female character, tentatively called “Lilly.” Nine experienced Rockman series artists each submitted a design utilizing an official character biography from the DASH3 planning team as a reference. Who is this Lilly?
Free-for-all Friday
Taking a little break from all the DASH ongoings, I present Carddas Rockman #44. Rockman battles an onslaught of enemies from the original Rockman game, including Sniper Joe, Crazy Razy, two Killer Bombs, and the Yellow Devil himself.
44. As hordes of enemies rush in, the Rockbuster blasts them away!!
Hey do you know Juno?
Mega Man Juno. He’s got to be one of the most surprising final bosses ever to appear in a Mega Man game. With a body like an armored bell and a face like a 14 year old Japanese raver girl, Juno quickly stole the role of villain shortly after his appearance by announcing his intention to kill every man woman and child on the island, and even effortlessly capturing the hero – all in a calm monotone and with a serene smile plastered on his closed-eyed face.
You just know he’s evil. Guess that’s why I love this guy!
A T. Bonne to Pick
Sorry guys, much like Teisel settling his debt with Lex Loath, this one’s a day late and a refractor short.
Three Things to Look for In DASH 3
The word is out across the globe, Mega Man Legends 3 has been announced to be in the works for the Nintendo 3DS. Words are failing me to express how excited I am about the project, but I can at least share a few of the things I’m hoping to see from one of the Mega Man franchise’s longest awaited sequels.
What kind of girl is Tron Bonne?
There have been a lot of rumors and a lot of speculation about a potential new Mega Man Legends game recently! Servbots are becoming all the rage thanks to Dead Rising 2, and on top of that, Tron Bonne recently made a splash as a confirmed character in Marvel vs Capcom 3. Therefore, I think it’s about time I get in on the hype and give some more focus to the Legends series on the blog. And who better to start with than the queen of mecha herself?
Fresh Graffiti