Following Juno, there were even more “Rockman” units designed for potential use in DASH2. Many of these were shown for the first time in the recently released Capcom Special Selection Rockman DASH 2 art book and soundtrack pack, but one of them had been previously shown in the Rockman DASH 2 Final Digouter’s File (check the Sauce). These images have been around for a while, so don’t expect too much surprise here if you’ve been keeping up. But, let’s take a look anyway!
He’s a Bad, Bad Rockman
One of the intriguing mysteries of the Rockman DASH series is the use of the title “Rockman” by ancient and powerful beings who may have once controlled the world. Even before there was Rockman Juno, the developers were toying with different ideas for an antagonistic Rockman to serve as a foil for our hero. We caught a glimpse of one such concept last week. Now we’ll be taking a deeper look at the unused characters that could have inherited the name of Rockman.
Brothers Stand Together
I just realized I haven’t done anything with Blues for a while. Let’s do something about that! From Carddas’ third classic Rockman card set comes…
Rockman & Blues
HP 2500
85. To defeat their true enemy, they’re putting all their power into one attack, and they won’t miss!!
I really like how you can see the inside of the Blues Shield there, even though it appears like he can only properly hold the shield with his left hand. The hero match-up card became a staple of the Rockman card sets, and would be repeated within the Rockman X series with X and Zero. They’re usually some of my favorites by default.
Helloooooo Nurse!
With the Legends 3 Heroine Contest now over, many have expressed their hope that the designs that didn’t win would still make appearances in the game in some manner. To them I say, there is hope! Some unused main character designs have made their way into the games for minor roles in the past. Characters like Miss Nurse, the long-lost fifth member of MegaMan’s team! Who, you say? Read on!
On A Roll
Hey guys! It’s Monday, and that usually means an update here at the Lav! BUT….
I started playing the new Donkey Kong Country this weekend… and haven’t stopped. I’ve barely paused to break for maintaining bodily functions. This game has stolen my soul and hijacked my life (and I’m lovin’ it)! I’m afraid I’m not going to get anything of substance up on here until I get this monkey off my back and out of my system.
Until then, Roll has volunteered to entertain you all! From CAP! vol. 7, more of Ryuji Higurashi’s fan art days. This image was inspired by that one.
Take it away, Roll!
Free Meal Friday
The characters from Rockman DASH sit down to a feast with other Capcom characters in this little pic that appeared in CAP! Vol. 8.
Looks like MegaMan is getting just a little too much attention from Lilith for Roll’s tastes. Meanwhile: Jimmy like Servbot!
The Making of the Ultimate Armor
Since so many of you were interested in the last article about the Ultimate Armor, I thought you guys might enjoy this. From CAP! Volume 4 comes this rare glimpse at how the Ultimate Armor was conceived. And as a special bonus… want to see what Zero’s X4 Ultimate Armor would have looked like?
Free Harem Friday
Today’s free pic is another from the Ryuji Higurashi pre-Capcom art files of the CFC. The subject this time? The ladies of Capcom!
The art is brilliant, as you’ve no doubt come to expect. The staff at Capcom commented, “Who wouldn’t want a harem like this! <3" Oh Capcom Dev Room, how your crass and sexist ways entertain us all! Enjoy the weekend everyone!
ZX Tunes Cover Cavalcade
Another of these requests I’ve been meaning to do, though not for as long as the last one. The Rockman ZX Arranged Soundtrack “ZX Tunes” came out in 2006 and sported 8 different CD title cards, each with a unique cover created by an artist who worked with the Rockman series. Apparently images of these covers are hard to find now, and since Google Images let me down, I went ahead and scanned them for my friends over at Capcom Unity.
Fresh Graffiti