Rockman X Command Mission‘s concept art section is slightly expanded in R20+5, with the images spread across 2 extra pages. That means room for a few more pieces, plus the ones that were already there are now generally a bit larger and more spread out. Unfortunately, what was added was for the most part already available elsewhere. I’d really like to see some more art of Rafflesian, and X and Zero’s specials. But they did add one piece that I don’t think was ever published before, and it sheds some light on something I’d been wondering since the game first came out: What the is the flippin’ deal with Chief R’s bird?
Happy and sad, but mostly glad
Here we are nearing the end of January. How’s 2013 treating you so far?
I now have a copy of R20+5. It’s still missing many things I hoped to see within, but there’s more than enough great additions and surprises to more than make up for it. One such unexpected extra: Artwork from the DASH3 Heroine Design Contest!
Have a Blast this New Years
To ring in the new year, here’s a little holiday manga from Koji Izuki. After what happened last Christmas, Wily plans a little thank-you of his own!
Trans after the break! Read more »
Think About Your Troubles
The Rockman Character Collection: a 60 page booklet made as a special gift and sent to those who entered the boss character design contest for Rockman 4. In the closing of the book is a brief page-and-a-half talk with members of the development team at Capcom, discussing some development trivia, including some things I’ve not heard mentioned before or since. I’m guessing maybe you haven’t either.
From the Journal of Thomas Right
Among the unique features of 1991’s Rockman Character Collection, the booklet included the stories of the first 3 Rockman titles as told from the perspective of none other than Rockman’s creator, Dr. Thomas Right. The good doctor laments the use of his robots as tools of war, the madness taken root in the great scientist he once knew, and the mysterious reappearance of his long lost robot son, Blues. On top of that, dates and months (though not years) are included with each entry, which means…
Like A Boss
From Family Computer Magazine 1988 #14 (the July 15th issue) comes Rockman 2 Boss Chara Daiboshuu… the very first Rockman boss robot design contest.
Fresh Graffiti