There are good cops, and there are bad cops… and then there’s Denise.
The Fine Art of DASH2, Starring #20!
Included in the Rockman DASH 2 Final Digouter’s File is a chapter that’s entirely devoted to showing off design and concept art. Not content to simply display the art, they even got Tron and some of her Kobuns to introduce each piece and even provide some informative commentary! After all, who knows more about their game than them?
Thanks for the Tip
Time for another random slice of Retromags! We haven’t done this in a while. Today’s snippet comes from page 50 of EGM Issue #2 (June, 1989), back when they were the new kids on the magazine rack! And a bit green at that.
I want a foreign cellphone
Random thought: It’s a shame that Virtual Console re-releases of games don’t include some of the unique additions that their cellphone counterparts do. I know they’re supposed to be “unchanged” emulated versions or whatever, but I mean, how cool is stuff like that? Maybe they should add some cellphone virtual console support.
I’m more for “a few cool additions” than “exactly the same.” Say what you want about Operate Shooting Star, but I’ll take playing it over the original Rockman EXE 1 any day.
Manic-Depressive Monday
Bad news kats and kittens, been too crazy busy to put together a post for today.
Please enjoy this from MegaCats instead.
We’ll make up for this lack of a proper Monday update later in the week.
Free Caskett Friday
Your free pic this week is from Tips & Tricks magazine’s May 1998 issue.
What big eyes she has! They remind me a bit of Legends 3‘s style. This early illustration of Roll has most of the finer points down, but is still missing some little details, like on the belt and the shoes. The magazine reversed the image, which is why her coat buttons are on the opposite side. I suppose I could have reversed it back to normal… but I didn’t. \_[O . O]_/ Enjoy!
Poll Results Are In
And the top three winners comprising over two thirds of the vote are: Legends, X, and Classic. Basically the three Mega Man series that already make up most of the Lav’s posts. Since Legends is the big winner, and since the Legends 3 Prototype Version is still coming up sometime in June, you can expect a lot of Legends on the horizon.
And maybe some of the others too, depending on how busy this month is. We’ll try to have something for everyone. The rest of the results: Zero, ZX, EXE, and bringing up the rear, Mega Man Star Force.

Sorry, Geo.
Thanks to everyone who voted!
Comic Cameos Continued
We’ve covered how Hideki Ishikawa’s original character W. Waltz has left her mark in various works, but what about some of the other characters?
The politician/police chief character also made his own comic cameo in Hitoshi Ariga’s Rockman Megamix. Those of you who picked up Udon’s Mega Man Megamix 1 release might have noticed these panels from the first story, “The Birth of Mega Man.”
This important man personally contacts Dr. Light via videophone to inform him of the robot situation and to appeal for help. In the panel below, you can see his female aide also makes an appearance in the background behind him.
I have a feeling this may not be the last we see of them, either.
The “Death” and Return of Zero (X1-X2)
Today, we’ve got another story digest for you! This time from the Rockman X Ultra Encyclopedia, the sequel volume to the Rockman & Rockman X Big Encyclopedia of Secrets, where we pulled yesterday’s Rockman X Confidential Chronicles from.
It roughly picks up where that one left off, and also features a rarely seen uncolored art piece of Zero in his X1 form (that is unfortunately obscured by text and other clip art). Translation ahead!
Rockman X Confidential
This Memorial Day, we’ll be honoring the noble sacrifice of one of history’s finest Maverick Hunters with this story digest of X and Zero’s early exploits.
From the Rockman & Rockman X Big Encyclopedia of Secrets, we now present to you: The Rockman X [CONFIDENTIAL] Chronicles.
Fresh Graffiti