TvC: CGoH Endings

This was a request I had a while back. I promised I’d scan these, and promptly totally forgot all about it. But today I’m catching up with some of the things I’ve procrastinated with, and so here we are!

The Japanese Tatsunoko vs Capcom Cross Generation of Heroes Official Character Guidebook collected the ending images from the game. They’ve crammed 6 or 12 to a page, so the size and quality of these aren’t the best. Screencaps would probably convey more detail. But I said I’d scan them anyway, so that’s what I did!
Click to behold!

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Zero! ‘Nuff said.

Since it seems readily apparent that I’m not going to get what I had planned for today done with all these distractions, let’s do this instead. Zero’s been confirmed for MvC3! I think most of us were already expecting it, but hooray just the same! To celebrate, it’s time for some Carddas Zero action!

From Carddas’ Rockman X collection, X2 series:

Rear side:

X’s Closest Ally
HP 1200
A Special A Class Hunter who belonged to the same 17th Battalion as X. He was X’s best friend, and the one who understood him the most. However, during the battle against Sigma, he was severely damaged after using a self-destructive attack in order to save X. Miraculously, his control chip remained intact, and was recovered to the Irregular Hunter Headquarters for safekeeping.

So the story goes, even though the Hunters had Zero’s control chip (essentially his electronic brain) available and in one piece, Zero’s body was too mysterious and complex to be rebuilt by Dr. Cain; Zero was as good as dead. It would take a shadowy character by the name of Sagesse (or Serges) to come forward and restore Zero’s body, with improved functionality.

Ready for more?

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Free Chaser Friday

Jumping around with the Carddas again, today’s card is from the 5th series of classic Rockman cards, portraying Rockman’s battle with the Space Ruler (or Stardroid) Neptune. This card is unique because it depicts Rockman using the Spark Chaser special weapon. So far as I’m aware, this is the only published picture showing what color Rockman turns when he’s equipped with it–and actually, it turns out to be no color difference at all. Too bad!

Rockman vs Neptune
194. Take one aim at your target, and there will be no escape!!

Inafune Remembers Rockman

The man may have left the hallowed halls of Capcom, but there’s little doubt that he’s left his mark behind over the many years.

As part of the Rockman series’ 10th birthday campaign back in 1997, Keiji Inafune got together with the Capcom Friendly Club and recanted his own feelings and recollections of working with Rockman. At this time Rockman 8 was his recent debut as a real Rockman producer, and he was only just starting to be recognized by fans and by Capcom as the true “Father of Rockman.” Here CFC Style Fan-Book vol.3 page 24 presents 10 years and 8 Rockman titles, stripped down to a few sentences each. Get ready to reminisce!

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The Race for Recognition

For this Free Pic Friday, another of Ryuji Higurashi’s fan art submissions from before he was Capcom, as appeared in CAP! magazine #5 in late 1997. His bunny-eared Lilly design was recently voted 5th place by fans in the Legends 3 New Heroine Contest!

As noted on the side by the image, Capcom was really taking notice of him by that time. “This one got rave reviews by everyone in the design room! What an excellent grasp on the details!” Within a year or so of this piece’s publication, he became an official Capcom artist. From fan art to famous!

Duel Robot Masters

Here’s the last holo-card I have yet to upload from the second set of Carddas’ Rockman trading card series. Rock faces off with Enker, the Rockman Killer (or was that Mega Man Hunter?) Have I mentioned yet that there’s an official game you can play with these? It isn’t very complex like we tend to think of trading card games today, it’s more something that little kids can pick up and play pretty easily.

Basically, you and your opponent play a round of Rock Paper Scissors. After someone wins, you each play a card from your deck. Do you see that Rockman head in one corner of the card? That’s called the Holomark. Rock will be facing either left, right, or straight ahead. If both faces are going in the same direction, the winner of the Rock-Paper-Scissors match wins the hand. If the two holomarks are different, that counts as a draw. Players repeat from step 1. That’s all there is to it! Not too difficult, and rather fun (for a few minutes, at least).

Rockman vs Enker

47. Showdown! The Mysterious Arch-rival Enker VS Rockman!!