Since it seems readily apparent that I’m not going to get what I had planned for today done with all these distractions, let’s do this instead. Zero’s been confirmed for MvC3! I think most of us were already expecting it, but hooray just the same! To celebrate, it’s time for some Carddas Zero action!
From Carddas’ Rockman X collection, X2 series:

Rear side:

X’s Closest Ally
HP 1200
A Special A Class Hunter who belonged to the same 17th Battalion as X. He was X’s best friend, and the one who understood him the most. However, during the battle against Sigma, he was severely damaged after using a self-destructive attack in order to save X. Miraculously, his control chip remained intact, and was recovered to the Irregular Hunter Headquarters for safekeeping.
So the story goes, even though the Hunters had Zero’s control chip (essentially his electronic brain) available and in one piece, Zero’s body was too mysterious and complex to be rebuilt by Dr. Cain; Zero was as good as dead. It would take a shadowy character by the name of Sagesse (or Serges) to come forward and restore Zero’s body, with improved functionality.
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