Category Archives: capcom

Retro Origins

This time, we’re looking at the story behind the Mega Man story.

Retro Ads

A long look at Mega Man advertising below.

Might not be able to post tomorrow…

So here’s your free pic friday advance. In honor of the Mega Man Legends board finally returning to Capcom’s forums after many years of absence, here’s some DASH for ya!

Dr. Right Explains It All

In the year 1993+a, the brilliant researcher Dr. Right began answering fan mail for Club Capcom magazine. He answered their questions, no matter how trivial or silly, and they all were enjoying their peaceful days. However, the mad scientist Dr. Wily became jealous of all that attention, and decided to take over the column once […]

Bye Bye, u-Capcom

Might not matter too much to non-Japanese readers, but u-Capcom, Capcom Japan’s official fan site, will be closing up shop at the end of the month. I hope the site stays there and they just stop updating it, since it’s a gold mine for obscure Rockman knowledge. Among other draws, it was a place where […]

Mega Man 9 Puzzling Mystery Secret of Riddle

Halfway to being discovered? I know June 17 isn’t really halfway to December 17, but I still have a feeling the secret is somehow related to Mega Man’s birthday, even though nobody seemed to catch it in ’08. I wonder what glories shall be heaped upon the victorious seeker… Probably more fun in my imagination […]