Author Archives: #20

Robot Fever

Just something I was mulling over in my head. For those yet unspoiled, Mega Man 10’s story concept involves our heroes battling against a robot virus called Robotenza, the etymology of which I suppose would be Robot+Influenza.

For Chrono Trigger Fans

I picked up the latest Chrono Trigger port recently, and I’ve been falling in love with the game all over again. It’s as if the DS were my Epoch, taking me back to 1995, where the SNES was king and Toriyama a god. (Well, if you were a teenage nerd in the continental US like […]

Has it really been over a year already?

Not since my last blog entry, I mean since Mega Man 9 came out. Feels like less time somehow.

Rockman Gigamix

So, the first volume of Hitoshi Ariga’s Rockman Gigamix manga is out in Japan now. I’m not lucky enough to have my hands on it yet, but I hear good things. Hopefully the wave of excitement and attention it’s getting will last through to the other two planned volumes. Speaking of which, Ariga’s just put […]

I’m not dead yet…

…but my readership is! It seems I’m not a very good blogger. Sorry, blogosphere. Maybe someday I’ll get my act together and post something worthy of internets.

If there is no problem…

I’ve been busy lately, though as you can tell, it was not busy working on this blog. I’ll be trying to get into the “regular update” mode again soon.

A Little Something for Voully

For a certain old friend of mine that got in touch with me again recently, and is a huge fan of Mega Man Legends. Thumbing through the archives of u-Capcom (which I’ve been going over before the end-of-June close, just in case some content disappears), I found a random trivia bit that I wasn’t familiar […]

Mega Mission 3, Part 2

From Part 1. I actually made quite a few errors in it, which I’ve since gone back and changed. I do occasionally go back and change things, correct mistakes or inaccuracies, clarify some confusing bits, et cetera, as I come across them. I don’t really announce it too often, so who knows, maybe something you’ve […]

Mega Mission 3, Part 1

Beginning once more, the final installment of Carddass’ Mega Mission series. Very different from the structure of the previous 2 story arcs, though some plot aspects will still remain strikingly similar. This time X and Zero have only 4 Remeet Repliroids to contend with, but they’ll have much greater power. iX returns as the aptly […]

Mega Mission 2 Conclusion

Another Mega Mission adventure draws to a close.