Toru Nakayama’s Women of Rockman

Like the Heroes calendar, Capcom’s 2012 Girls Calendar featured its own Rockman panorama, this one by famed Rockman Zero series artist Toru Nakayama. Taking up the highly contended for New Years/Valentine’s Day position, no less!

Not quite as comprehensive as the boys’ side. This one has representations from more of the different subgroups of Rockman, but includes far fewer faces. Some big names like Alia, Leviathan, Splash, and Kalinka didn’t make it in, while two versions of classic Roll did, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Nakayama’s cheery bubblegum take on the characters makes me smile. Especially one little lady over in the corner there.
Oh Aero, you are not forgotten.

11 Comments to "Toru Nakayama’s Women of Rockman"

  1. RADIX's Gravatar RADIX
    2012/12/08 Saturday - 2:11 pm | Permalink

    Not as comprehensive, but still a very nice pic. 🙂 (Oh Aero…I hope nobody at CoJ protested your inclusion)

    • Allison's Gravatar Allison
      2012/12/14 Friday - 8:31 pm | Permalink

      I like the bubblegum version of this Rockman girls version calendar. It makes me really bubbly. 😀

  2. azazino's Gravatar azazino
    2012/12/08 Saturday - 11:42 pm | Permalink

    Very cool, was this calendar released digitally?, because it looks to clean if that’s a scan.

  3. Jennifer Moon's Gravatar Jennifer Moon
    2013/01/10 Thursday - 3:11 pm | Permalink

    Keep the art flowing…

  4. ---'s Gravatar ---
    2013/03/28 Thursday - 1:47 pm | Permalink

    The giant Rockman Zero character eyes can be creepy seen on other Rockman franchise characters.

    Gave me a chill!

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