Category Archives: X

Mega Mission 2, part 2

Continued from Part 1.

Mega Mission 2 Translation, part 1

When something is as popular as Rockman X Mega Mission became, trust Capcom and Bandai to capitalize. The sequel to Mega Mission was released in the first quarter of 1996, to an eager audience. This one takes place after X3, and introduces the Order Breakers, some very familiar seeming villains who are the heirs of […]

Mega Mission Finale +α

Previous entries: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

Mega Mission, Part 3

Continued from Part 1 and Part 2 Card No. 27 Description (Back): Title (Front): Incept Chaser DATA: A cutting edge repliroid who is the closest aide of Dr. Doppler. He is an Incept Chaser like Curtiss. WEAPON: His hands are lethal weapons. His chopping strike is performed with great speed and agility, and can even […]

Mega Mission, Part 2

Continued from Part 1

Mega Mission Translation, Take 1

Here we go, part one of my Mega Mission translation project.

The longest journey begins with a single step

Or, the longest wall of text begins with a single word.