Welcome to the new home of the Reploid Research Lavatory!
I’m still working out a few kinks to the new format, so drop me a line in the comments below if anything isn’t working properly, or if you have any suggestions to improve the layout!
Wow, already? You sure didn’t waste any time once you got going!
Congrats on completing your move!
Thanks, Doc! Hey, did you have to upload that ducky, or where does wordpress pull the icon avatars from?
Everything looks like it’s working, though I’m curious as to why you chose to move the site.
Well, a few reasons I suppose. One was to make the site more my own. The template I chose turned out to be an extremely popular one, so the Lav tended to look like a lot of other blogs. Not that I’ve changed too much of the appearance, but enough, I think. WordPress here is far more customizable in many regards. Plus I have more control here over what directories I upload pictures to, and so on. There’s a few features I have yet to implement but I’m planning on that would have been impossible on blogger. Hopefully this will also cut down on the spam messages I was getting lately that made me shut the comments off.
It wasn’t like I had to get away from blogspot right away for some reason, it was just something that I wanted to do eventually, and figured “why not now!” So, there ya go, if that makes sense.
I’m surprised that the ducky made it here all on it’s own, but it’s easily explained. 🙂
The blog engine seems to be able to pull user’s avatars from the Gravatar servuce. It basically links an e-mail address to a picture you select, and it’s meant to be compatible on several sites. For example, if I post on the Mega Man Network or on my web host’s blog, the exact same avatar will show up without me having to set it up each time manually. For the record, this is a picture that I took and uploaded: it doesn’t come from a pre-made list of options.