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Mega Man?
Playing through Rockman Rockman (actually, Rockman Timeman) recently, I noticed that the Japanese version held a clue to the reason behind the faker “Rockman?” that was absent from the English Powered Up dialogue. It gives an interesting insight about the alternate storyline of the bosses.
Ciel would be proud
It’s not quite what Nakayama designed, but this real life flower-shaped power plant certainly feels like something right out of the Zero/ZX series. It doesn’t run on Cyber Elves or Energen Crystals, but instead utilizes the Dr. Light’s energy of choice, solar power. Check it out!
On Translating Japanese
I wanted to take a moment to discuss my approach to translating Japanese.
Mega Mission Translation, Take 1
Here we go, part one of my Mega Mission translation project.
Vile Mk-0 to build space colony
I’m probably the last one to know about this. If not, maybe one of you reading this is. NASA’s got a Robo-Fett working for them. Almost makes me wish I’d followed up on that whole “I wanna be an astronaut!” thing when I was a kid. Oh, well. They say it’s based on the Roman […]
The longest journey begins with a single step
Or, the longest wall of text begins with a single word.
Times have changed, and I with them.
My first blogging attempt. Whaddaya think? I’m still figuring stuff out on here. This blog will deal with MegaMan and Rockman fandom, my translation projects, and various other geeky obsessions. Enjoy!
Fresh Graffiti