Rockman DASH team publicity photo from 1997.
Top row (from left): Kazushi Ito, Miki Kijima, Keiji Inafune, Yoshinori Kawano. Bottom row: Yuuji Ishihara, Tomoyuki Kawakami, Masaru Ijuuin.

Keiji Inafune announcing Red Ash, 2015.
They want to make a special kind of game. There’s 5 more days to help.
This would probably better as a Tumblr post. Anybody want to make it into one?
Consider it done! Awesome work compiling all of these images; quite a blast from the past! http://bringbackmml3.tumblr.com/post/125325001952/quite-a-blast-from-the-past-eh-credit-to-kobun
Thanks! As I suspected, it does look better on Tumblr.
I’m curious, do you know how many of the team featured on the first picture is still working at Capcom? It seems like they’ve been bleeding talent for a while, now.
Good question. I’m not sure about a few, but most have left Capcom. Yoshinori Kawano and Yuji Ishihara were both major players in Mega Man Legends 3, so as of at least 4 years ago I know they were both still at Capcom. Masaru Ijuuin I thought was working on MML3 also, but then I couldn’t find a source so perhaps I am mistaken. Tomoyuki Kawakami left during the PS2 era. And of course, Keiji Inafune, Kazushi Ito and Miki Kijima are all headlining Red Ash.
Hey, #20!
As Protodude noted, it’s been a bit of a weird campaign, but personally–I’m relieved! How ’bout you?
I am happy it is funded and I look forward to playing it. The new “scretch goals” were just announced today and they all sound great, but I don’t think there’s much of a chance of meeting $800,000. I know a lot of backers still want the things they pledged for, so I imagine they’ll start taking Paypal donations from people after the KS is over. Comcept’s 5 year Red Ash multimedia plan seemed geared more towards finding high rolling investors rather than kickstarter supporters, so I’m not surprised it found its mark. I did think the deal would probably hinge on KS reaching its goal, but I’m glad I was wrong about that. I guess now I can start shilling the anime, since it’s close but still not quite funded yet. I’m not wealthy enough to throw down to get the figures, but I do like the sound of that LE steampunk watch tier…