A listing of the Japanese books and publications referenced on The Reploid Research Lavatory, ordered by collection and category. This is not a complete list (yet).
Club Capcom
CFC Style Fan-Book CAP!
Capcom Secret File Series
Capcom Art Books
Comic Bon Bon Special Series
Kodansha Manga Encyclopedia Series
Televi Magazine Great Encyclopedia Series
Rockman Commemorative Books
Rockman Magazine
Rockman X Materials
Rockman Zero Materials
Rockman ZX Materials
Rockman DASH Materials
I repeat: This is still a work in progress!
Capcom Magazine
Precursor to Club Capcom, these mags were actually ~50 page inserts that came with certain issues of the Japanese bi-weekly video game publication Family Computer Magazine (aka FamiMaga). The first issue contains mostly maps and strategies for popular Capcom games, but the second is very similar to Club Capcom with its special interest columns, giveaways and game previews. After Club Capcom’s debut, they went right back to being game hint booklets.
カプコンマガジン Capcom Magazine 1990 September |
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カプコンマガジンII Capcom Magazine II 1991 June |
カプコンマガジン ’93 Capcom Magazine ’93 1993 May |
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Club Capcom
Capcom’s official magazine that ran for three issues from 1993 to 1994. In addition to featuring Capcom game news, artwork, ads and behind the scenes development info, this magazine ranged from all sorts of topics from sports, books, movies, and television. Each magazine also included a two-page pull-out poster and a chance to win free stuff by filling out and submitting a survey card. Find out more!
クラブ・カプコン Club Capcom Vol. 0 1993 Spring |
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クラブ・カプコン Club Capcom Vol. 1 1993 Autumn |
クラブ・カプコン Club Capcom Vol. 2 1994 Spring |
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CFC Style Fan-Book CAP!
The Capcom Friendly Club’s official newsletter and mini-magazine that ran for 15 issues (3 per year) between 1996 and 2001. It featured upcoming game information, Capcom art, fan art, comics, games, puzzles, event highlights, goods and merchandise announcements, articles, promotional campaigns and other Capcom news. The fourth issue was reworked to feature different cover artwork with larger page dimensions and introduced the simpler new moniker of “CAP!” Find out more!
Capcom Secret File Series
Game fliers used to promote Capcom arcade games in the mid to late 90s. Each contains comics, artwork, developer comments and other game-specific trivia.
Capcom Art Books
Books compiling official Capcom artwork with commentary by the artists themselves.
カプコンイラスト作品集 Capcom Illustrations Capcom Illust Sakuhinshuu GAMEST Mook Vol.17 1995 December |
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カプコンデザインワークス Capcom Design Works 2001 August |
カプコンデザインワークス アーリーデイズ Capcom Design Works Early Days 2004 April |
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Comic Bon Bon Special Series
A series of books geared towards children, hobbyists and manga enthusiasts. Rockman was featured 6 times between 1993 and 1998.
Kodansha Manga Encyclopedia Series
A collection of hard cover encyclopedias for children, ranging on popular topics from dinosaurs to sports to popular characters from comics, television and video games. Each one includes a special bonus manga inside.
Televi Magazine Great Encyclopedia Series
The Great Encyclopedias from Televi Magazine were another popular children’s entertainment “encyclopedia” series made by Japanese publisher Kodansha. They covered various subjects from TV, manga and video games. Each volume weighed in at around 40 pages. The pages themselves were large and colorful and also quite thick, making them very sturdy. They often came packaged with stickers, posters, collectible cards, or other gimmicks for entertaining younger readers.
Rockman Commemorative Books
Books that celebrate the Rockman series for some particular landmark or occasion. The Rockman Character Collection was a prize sent only to those who had entered the Rockman 4 boss character design contest in Japan. The other volumes commemorated the different anniversaries of the release of Rockman 1. R20 was translated into English by Udon Entertainment and released in 2009 as two separate volumes (Mega Man Official Complete Works and the Mega Man X Official Complete Works) and is scheduled for a revision at the end of 2012 for Rockman’s 25th anniversary.
Rockman Magazine
Rockman Magazine, or Rock Maga for short, is a series of free pamphlets that Capcom distributed between 2003 and 2008. Each was approximately 12 pages in length and would cover story and game play information for a specific Rockman game, as well as listing general upcoming merchandise and promotions. There are 13 in all, plus an Extra edition to be used as a folder to house them all.
Rockman X Materials
Other books related specifically to the Rockman X series of games.
ロックマンX 大全書 Compendium of Rockman X Rockman X Daizensho 2005 January |
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ロックマンX8 公式設定資料集 X8 Prototype Gallery Official Set Material Collection Rockman X8 Koushiki Settei Shiryoushuu 2005 |
Rockman Zero Materials
Other books related specifically to the Rockman Zero series of games.
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ロックマンゼロ オフィシャルコンプリートワークス Rockman Zero Official Complete Works 2006 August |
Rockman ZX Materials
Other books related specifically to the Rockman ZX series of games.
ロックマンゼクス オフィシャルコンプリートガイド Rockman ZX Official Complete Guide 2006 July |
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ロックマンゼクス アドベント オフィシャルコンプリートガイド Rockman ZX Advent Official Complete Guide 2007 July |
Rockman DASH Materials
Books related to the Rockman DASH (Mega Man Legends) series. The first four are from V-Jump, the rest from various publishers.
Cross-overs, fighters, collections and other miscellaneous works.
I’d like to include the club fan books on Capcom Database. When you have the time, look it up. Any info would be appreciated!
More specifically, the official Capcom magazine and newsletters.
Just thought of something important that would be of great help. Out of all the stuff I’ve dug up on the net over the years on the differences between Capcom Design Works Early Days and Gamest Mook No. 17, nobody seems to know anything. I’ve heard they’re identical in every way (except for the cover) from some, and others says the mook has more illustrations. Who’s right?
I can tell you that they are definitely not the same book! Although I can understand the confusion because of the many overlaps, especially with the cover art.
Capcom Illustrations is larger dimensionally and has 160 pages; Early Days is 2cm shorter lengthwise, but has 208 pages. Generally, while they each have many of the same pieces appearing, there is way more art in ED than there is in CI, including art for many games that CI doesn’t touch on at all. Yet each book has some pieces that the other does not, including both finished pieces and sketch art. Because of the extra dimensions and because there is generally less art per page, CI’s art is often quite a bit larger than ED’s, with several pieces getting a full page to themselves. That’s not always the case though, as ED uses its smaller page space much more efficiently. So sometimes with pages filled with character art, they somehow create more room for slightly larger images, even with less space. There’s also some color difference between the two, but could be more to do with printing, and may vary from book to book.
The two books are organized rather differently, too. And then there’s the comments from the artists. None of the comments are re-used between the two books, but the information they relay is sometimes the same, just told differently. CI has a 5 page round-table interview with Shoei, Bengus, Sensei and Kinu and a look at the making of the cover art image. ED has an appendix with a collection of tiny arcade game poster art and shorter bios for artists, but features more of them plus a short letter from Shoei.
Long story short, they feature a good deal of the same art, but are very much different books.
I don’t see pages for Club Capcom or CAP! up yet, but I’ll check again later.
Okay, question is: is it worth buying the Gamest Mook? I’ve got Early Days already. I should also mention that I am a Capcom completist. There are times when I will buy an entire book just for a few rare images. BTW, thanks for the lengthy commentary. Very informative!!!
Also, the link for the fanzines is here: http://capcom.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Magazines
If you can contribute, I would be most grateful.
I probably can’t tell you not to get it if you’re a completist, because of course you’re going to want your collection to be complete! But on the other hand, I wouldn’t tell you to rush out and buy a book when 90% of the art you’ll find in it you already have in Early Days.
To give you some idea of what’s missing, CI has a few extra Gamest pictures of Chun Li, the Shadowloo base picture, some comics that appeared in Club Capcom, some different roughs from Street Fighter II, Vampire, Ultimate Ecology, Quiz & Dragons, and some slightly different SFII crane game toy designs, and probably some other small things like that. But I’m not sure how much of those Street Fighter and Darkstalkers stuff that you wouldn’t find in other related artbooks, if you have those (I don’t, since I pretty much just collect Rockman stuff). Then there’s a few games ED didn’t cover that CI does, like Alien vs Predator, The Punisher, and Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, just a page or two of art for either. And of course the different commentary as well, you might find something that interests you if you read Japanese.
If any of that sounds enticing, you may want to shop around for it. I got mine for $11 a few years ago, and I’m generally glad I did. The book isn’t too rare, so you can afford to look around for the best deal. If an opportunity presents itself, I say why not take it! But of course that depends on your personal financial situation. Ultimately it’s up to what’s important to you, but hopefully you can make a more informed choice now.
I consider myself more informed! Your time and patience responding to all this “nonsense” has been greatly appreciated. I love this blog. Expect to hear more from me. You’ve been warned! Thanks again, my friend.
Long live the capcom/rockman -Street fighter generations!
Does anyone know why they stopped running the Club Capcom magazine? My friend got all three issues and was very disappointed when she found out they were no longer being issued.
I Want That, how can I get it in Indonesia?
Sorry for asking, but could you scan all your books #20? (Even if only 1 or 2 per year) I’d love to see their content, specially the Comic Bon Bon Special Series, Kodansha Manga Encyclopedia Series, Rockman Memories, Rockman Perfect Memories, and the ZX, DASH and Crossover materials, among others.
Hi #20! May I ask for a source of where Dr. Light called Metal Man “the dentist from the future”?
Sorry, looks like I almost missed this question! I’ll have to do something to make requests stand out more. (Note to self.)
I know you just asked for one, but is it alright if I give you three?
1. Saishinban Rockman Daihyakka / Latest Edition Rockman Big Encyclopedia (1994) on page 69.
2. Rockman 7 & Rockman X3 Chouhyakka / Rockman 7 & Rockman X3 Ultra Encyclopedia (1996) page 76.
3. Rockman Memories (1997) page 18.
There are probably more places that mention it, even. But at least these are on this page.